Alloy Wire Thailand

ติดต่อ Alloy Wire

120/55 ซอยสุขุมวิท 101/1 บางจาก พระโขนง จ.กรุงเทพฯ 10260

โทร: +66 (0) 80 626 9989
แฟกซ์: +66 (2) 398 6391

Conversion Factors

Conversion Factors

Conversion Factors
Multiply by Multiply by
Length in x 25.4 = mm x 0.03937 = in
ft x 0.3048 = m x 3.281 = ft
yd x 0.9144 = m x 1.094 = yd
Area in2 x 645.16 = mm2 x 0.00155 = in2
ft2 x 0.0929 = m2 x 10.7639 = ft2
Volume in3 x 16.387 = cm3 x 0.06102 = in3
ft3 x 0.028317 = m3 x 35.3147 = ft3
Mass (weight) oz x 28.3495 = g x 0.035274 = oz
lb x 0.453592 = kg x 2.20462 = lb
UK ton x 1.01605 = tonne x 0.984207 = UK ton
Stress lbf/in2 x 0.000703 = kgf/mm2 x 1422.33 = lbf/in2
tonf/in2 x 1.57488 = kgf/mm2 x 0.63497 = tonf/in2
Force (S.I.) lbf x 4.44822 = N x 0.224809 = lbf
tonf x 9.96402 = kN x 0.100361 = tonf
kgf x 9.80665 = N x 0.101972 = kgf
Stress (S.I.) tonf/in2 x 15.4443 = N/mm2 x 0.064749 = tonf/in2
= MN/m2
tonf/in2 x 1.54443 = daN/mm2 x 0.64749 = tonf/in2
= hbar
kgf/mm2 x 9.80665 = N/mm2 x 0.101972 = kgf/mm2
lbf/in2 x .00689476 = N/mm2 x 145.04 = lbf/in2
Miscellaneous lb/ft x 1.488 = kg/m x 0.672 = lb/ft
ft/lb x 0.672 = m/kg x 1.488 = ft/lb
Electrical ohms/yd x 1.094 = ohms/m x 0.9144 = ohms/yd
ohms/ft x 3.281 = ohms/m x 0.3048 = ohms/ft
Microhms/in3 x 2.54 = Microhms/cm3 x 0.3937 = Microhms/in3
Microhms x 0.000001 = ohms x 1000000 = Microhms
ohms/g x 453.6 =ohms/lb x 0.002205 = ohms/g

Conversion Factors

The information given throughout this website is as complete and accurate as possible at the time of upload.  However, Alloy Wire International Ltd reserve the right to modify the specifications stated at any time without prior notice should this become necessary.

Alloy Wire